Mercedes Portillo

Mercedes Portillo

Bilingual Educator

Mountain View Elementary

Riverside, CA USA

Follow your dreams and let your passion overcome any obstacles!


My road in life has been direct.
At 18, I got married.
In 2004, I decided to get my AA and AS at Riverside City College.
In 2009, I received my B.A. in Elementary Education and Teaching at Cal-State Fullerton.
In 2010, I earned my teaching certificates (CLAD and BCLAD) at Cal-State Fullerton.
I was hired at the Corona Norco Unified School District as an Intervention Specialist.
After three years, I applied to be a dual language third grade teacher at the Pasadena Unified School District.
Then, I was hired as a teacher at the Riverside Unified School District.
Currently I am one class to completing my masters degree in education and will graduate June 2020!!
Keep following my journey


High School
Associate's Degree
AA and AS
Riverside City College
Elementary Education and Teaching
California State University, Fullerton
California State University, Fullerton


Bilingual Educator

I work as an elementary school teacher and teach first grade students in Spanish on an academic level.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Non-Profit Organizations
Teaching / Mentoring

Day to Day

My day begins every day at 7:45am. I dedicate my mornings to tutoring students who need the extra help. When school starts, I teach math before switching my class for English Language Development (ELD) and science—these classes are taught in English. After that, afternoon classes are begun and I usually spend the time teaching my students Spanish Language Arts. After school, I tutor more students 2 or 3 days of the week, and attend to my many school committees.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for everyone

I recommend persistence, hard work, don’t be afraid to ask for help, it’s ok to make mistakes because then we can do better, and never give up! When I first started out, my first job it wasn’t easy. However, I didn't let that affect me but with discipline, and dedication I was able to pull through. I was patient and knew that I eventually would get the job I desired. When my time came, I had my experience and work ethic to fall back on when applying for my dream job as an educator.

Recommended Education

My career is related to what I studied. I'd recommend the path I took:

Associate's Degree
AA and AS


The Noise I Shed

From Family:

"I was married and had two children to take care of. I was told I would not take care of my responsibilities as I should and if it would be worth it."

Challenges I Overcame

First-Generation College Student


What kind of impact did your parents have on your future?

Asked by Vanessa at CSUF

My parents were activists within their own community. They fought for Spanish services in our church and that has stuck with me. I have taken to heart their efforts to keep Spanish alive for us and I want to do the same for my students.

Do you see yourself in your students?

Asked by Vanessa at CSUF

I definitely see myself in my students. At a young age, I thirsted for knowledge and I want to help and give my students all the support I needed at that age. I want them to be prepared for the future and give them the ability to chase their dreams.

Interviewed By
