Water Resource Specialists


Salary Median (2020)


Projected Job Growth (2019-2029)

+5.9% (as fast as the average)


Roadtrip Nation Leaders in This Career

What Water Resource Specialists Do

Design or implement programs and strategies related to water resource issues such as supply, quality, and regulatory compliance issues.

Other Job Titles Water Resource Specialists May Have

Water Resources Planner

How Leaders Describe a Typical Day at Work

Analyst ,

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

At work I attend government council meetings to learn about water policy and distribution. I listen to large panels of CEOs, professionals, farmers, business owners and city representatives from the state discuss managing the business affairs of water sales. There are a diverse number of classes to attend that help me stay relevant on topics like water science and office tech. I then work on teams to apply data to improving business programs, technology, finances and operations.

Tasks & Responsibilities May Include

  • Perform hydrologic, hydraulic, or water quality modeling.
  • Analyze storm water systems to identify opportunities for water resource improvements.
  • Conduct, or oversee the conduct of, investigations on matters such as water storage, wastewater discharge, pollutants, permits, or other compliance and regulatory issues.
  • Develop strategies for watershed operations to meet water supply and conservation goals or to ensure regulatory compliance with clean water laws or regulations.
  • Conduct technical studies for water resources on topics such as pollutants and water treatment options.

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