
My road in life has taken me all over.
Worked for 15 years as a nurse and then became a Mom.
Knew the urban city I lived in was not a great place to raise a child and decided to move to Wyoming.
Gave up my nursing career to be a Mom, which required a limited budget.
Was asked to substitute at my son's school since I had a degree.
Felt the need to learn pedagogy and more about education since I would need a career to support my child to pay for college.
Completed teachers certification and started working for the Department of Defense teaching a STEM program.
Participated in a science standards review committee and realized I need to learn and grow more.
Applied for the science consultant, after a year was promoted to supervisor of standards.


Supervisor of Standards

Facilitate a team who assist with K-12 standards and items reviews for state summative assessments.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Learning / Being Challenged

Day to Day

I support four educational consultants. I visit with them a few times a week to prepare, plan, implement and assess their ongoing work. We review items for the state summative test, work with teachers in reviewing and updating 10 area of content and performance standards, answer questions from stakeholders (students, parents, teachers, community members,) collect input from the same stakeholders during the standards review process. Much more too!

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for professionals

Volunteer your services on some of the education stakeholders groups. They are always listed in the press release. Start getting familiar with legislative policy that relates to education. Attend local and state board meetings. Be an expert in you educational field.

Recommended Education

My career is not related to what I studied. I'd recommend this path instead:


The Noise I Shed

From Teachers:

"I wanted to be a teacher but my high school counselors said there were too many teachers and I probably would not find a job. I chose nursing instead since they teach as well."

Challenges I Overcame
