Amanda Goodrich

Amanda Goodrich


Children’s Health


My road in life has been direct.
Getting married in college
Husband changing careers
Having kids
Losing a job



Telephone triage for patients with Ear, Nose and Throat problems. Assist with in office procedures and facilitate care

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Helping People

Day to Day

If I’m in clinic, I’m assisting the MDs and NPs while they perform ENT exams. If a provider wants to schedule surgery, it is my job to get consents signed, educate the family, and coordinate with surgery schedulers a date and time for surgery. I also assist with in office procedures, such a tongue and lip ties, ear cleaning / removing foreign bodies, nasal endoscopies, hearing aid evaluations. I also work as a telephone triage nurse to answer phone calls for all of the ENT Plano population.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for high school students

Volunteer or shadow at a local hospital or doctors office. Get a job in that specific field, even if it’s just a scheduler or a tech, it gives you hands on experience

Recommended Education

My career is related to what I studied. I'd recommend the path I took:


The Noise I Shed

From Myself:

"Nursing school was tough - you learn to work in ALL departments before specializing. It’s a critical and time consuming schooling"