Career Roadmap
Roy's work combines: Music, Art, and Building Things
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Here's the path I took:
Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Carpenters:
High School
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I've taken a lot of twists and turns
First I decided what I really wanted to do for the rest of my life, what was I passionate about.
then I began to educate myself by learning through others who were successful and through reading.
my next step was to get the belief system that I can do this, I can become successful.
I finally took the first step and just actually did it, one step at a time.
Defining Moments
How I responded to discouragement
Messages from Society in general:
I have had a very negative person telling me all my younger life that I will never amount to anything, it made me believe that so much that I tried to ruin my life with negative lifestyles just to proved them right.
How I responded:
You are not other peoples opinion, you are a child of God. He created you beautiful from the inside out in His image and whatever you do for His glory He will bless it and prosper you in all areas in your life.
Experiences and challenges that shaped me
I became involved with an organization that teaches how to build a passive income and learning\teaching others how to do the same by getting out of debt, staying out of debt and making money by showing others the same.
I met a person who is now a father figure/friend that was very caring and guided me out of the street life. It wasn't easy, I had lots of anger/violence deep down inside.
Went through treatment/court ordered, I had to learn how to leave the bad influences in my life, even old friends.
I struggled with a lot of injuries since the age of 18, surgeries after surgeries due to accidents on the job, physical therapy was the hardest. I have learned to take it easy and have a real good chiropractor who is now a real good friend of mine.