
My road in life took a while to figure out.
Placed myself in a position to gain experiences while in the military.
Attended community college.
Demonstrated sound judgement in a project to estabish the first LAN for DCA (DISA) at the Pentagon.
Retired from the USAF and became a contractor. I read, observed, listened and applied my skills.
Graduated from UMUC with my B.S. while working in various Govt agencies applying what I learned.
Gained my CISSP. I worked in Enterprise Network Defenses and gained skills in vulnerability mgt.
Completed Graduate Studies in Cyber Security.


Senior Consultant

I provide for the integrity and security of information and information systems.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Problem Solving

Day to Day

A good day includes a good deal of collaboration between peers and clients discussing progress towards achieving strategic goals and projects and provide confidence in our plan and methods. I also use automated tools to confirm, research, and validate that security controls are functioning to provide for the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of information and information systems. I would also read about new methods and technologies that can best be used to find greater efficiencies.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for college students

Understand the breadth of this field and start by focusing on something you're genuinely interested in. Afterwards, pursue something that is hard and challenges you.

Recommended Education

My career is related to what I studied. I'd recommend the path I took:


The Noise I Shed

From Peers:

"Formal education isn't worth the trouble in IT because you can get by with certifications."

Challenges I Overcame

Being overwhelmed by demands on time