Cindy Gross

Cindy Gross


Befriending Dragons


My road in life has taken me all over.
Tried out multiple unrelated majors in college.
Found a great fit with the hyper-logical computer world. But then realized without emotion, feelings, and relationships it was actively harmful to me and society.
Found out nothing is really completely logical when it comes to human thinking and actions.
Became a community organizer fighting for gay rights and women's rights in a hostile state.
Switched to a new discipline and a new technology. Then left the corporate world to create a collaboration based entrepreneurship.
Keep following my journey



Nurture new paths for women who experience bullys or harassers at work.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Upholding a Cause and Belief

Day to Day

Listen to women who have experienced bullying at work, connect them with resources beyond lawyers so they / we can thrive and belong. Work with career coaches, therapists, HR, hiring managers to make more processes trauma-informed so they can hire and retain women who have faced unfairness, especially bullying or harassment, at work.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for high school students

Be curious. Try lots of things. Learn how to do things that are outside your comfort zone. Embrace failure and use it to learn about yourself and what you love to do. Find your passion - the things that are common across your favorite activities such as "learning emerging tech and teaching it to others", "feeling I contributed to making the world better in some small way", or "meeting with people 1:1 and developing relationships with them."

Recommended Education

My career is related to what I studied. I'd recommend the path I took:

Adaptive Community Leadership


The Noise I Shed

From Peers:

"You're not likable enough, I don't know why people like you, you ask too many questions, you're too abrasive, you're too aggressive, you're not aggressive enough, you don't take initiative, I don't like the way you take initiative, you speak against bias"

Challenges I Overcame

Gender Discrimination