
My road in life took a while to figure out.
I originally dropped out of college to start a pottery production business.
After the birth of my first child, I suffered from severe postpartum depression.
I was taken in by an innovation therapy center called Wellspring.
The Wellspring therapists encouraged me to go back to college to get my occupational therapy degree.
Went to Quinnipiac College to pursue a BS in occupational therapy.
Transferred to Colorado State University and graduated.
I was left disabled by Lyme Disease but continued working at my private OT practice.
After finding a treatment that worked, I regained my energy and became a professional advocate.
Keep following my journey


President / Clinical Director / Occupational Therapist

I own an occupational therapy private practice & I'm a professional advocate for the disabled.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Being Creative

Day to Day

I am a professional advocate for the disabled and I have a private occupational therapy practice with a very flexible schedule; that means that on any given day, I could be an expert witness in a litigation case, teach a health and wellness program for brain and body health, consult with interior designers, architects and builders to make sure a space is fully accessible and optimized, or perform ADA consulting to help employers with employees with disabilities stay on the job or return to work.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for college students

Know what you're getting yourself into! My advisor, Dr. Griffin, head of the OT Program at Quinnipiac College, told me that I shouldn't commit to entering occupational therapy degree until I had done thorough research on the field and the profession that would follow. She lent me a copy of Willard and Spackman's "OT Bible," which I immediately read cover-to-cover. The passion I conveyed in our ensuing conversation convinced her I'd make a great OT, and she gave me glowing recommendations.

Recommended Education

My career is related to what I studied. I'd recommend the path I took:


The Noise I Shed

From Society in General:

"You won't be able to work full-time with your disability."

Challenges I Overcame

Raising Children
Physical Issues