
My road in life took a while to figure out.
Had passion in what I love.
Then I convinced my parents.
Then I enrolled into school.
Then I practiced everyday.
Then I left the nest and said to myself "you either sink or swim" by moving to LA.
Then I found the job that I love.
Keep following my journey


Special Collects Operator

I take photos of "special interest" places. Hiking trails, museums, historical sites etc.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Being Creative

Day to Day

I wake up from the hotel, meet with my partner that I work with for the week, then I hike a trail or take photos in a museum.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for high school students

Have passion in film.

Recommended Education

My career is related to what I studied. I'd recommend the path I took:


The Noise I Shed

From Society in General:

"It's going to be a hard battle because the work that you are in is very competitive."

Challenges I Overcame
