
My road in life took a while to figure out.
Went away to college for a year.
Moved back home and completed my Bachelor's degree in English & Political Science.
Got a job at a community development non-profit organization.
Started a Master's program in English & went into fundraising for a large non-profit organization.
Needed a big adventure. Took a leave of absence from work & spent 2 months in Africa.
Finished my Master's degree and landed in a Marketing career.
Left the non-profit world and joined a company whose corporate mission is to improve education.
Keep following my journey


Marketing Coordinator

I craft content to generate sales leads, expand engagement with our brand, and build customer loyalty.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Communicating / Sharing Stories

Day to Day

I come into work and prioritize all I need to get done that day. I make a lot of lists and work better when I can cross things off. I catch up on email and then dive into projects. I could be developing content for a marketing promotion, developing a communiation plan for a conference, or expanding our thought leadership initiatives by writing case studies, blog posts, or white papers.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for professionals

I didn't have a traditional marketing background before getting into my current role, meaning I didn't study Marketing or Business in undergrad or graduate school and I only had a few months of actual Marketing experience at a previous job. Do what you can to acquire the skills you need in your current role. For example, ask to get involved in projects in other areas of your business, or network with people in your area of interest.

Recommended Education

My career is not related to what I studied. I'd recommend this path instead:


The Noise I Shed

From Parents:

"I was crazy for wanting to leave my job and my comforts of home to do a mission trip in Africa. Some didn't believe I had the guts and strength to do what I did."