
My road in life took a while to figure out.
I graduated with my MA and started teaching at SDSU.
Quit teaching because it wasn't fulfilling my need for significance in my work.
Had three kids and stayed home to care for them. It was significant work for sure.
Went to work in the surf shop my husband and I own. I merchandised, bought product, did sales.
I wanted something more and found the position teaching veterans and wounded warriors.
I found the work significant, meaningful and closely related to my skills.
Keep following my journey


Adjunct Professor

I teach writing and literature to enlisted military personnel and veterans.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Teaching / Mentoring

Day to Day

Typically, I work from home. I prep for my classes with reading and creating lesson plans based on the needs of the students I have in each class. I teach a few classes a semester, so typically, I head to campus and teach and meet with students before and after class as needed two to three days a week.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for college students

One of the most important first steps is keeping in touch with and getting to know the professors in your field of study. They are the ones who will help you get into graduate school, through recommendations and the ones who will help you get that first class and get your foot in the door when you are ready to teach.

Recommended Education

My career is not related to what I studied. I'd recommend this path instead:


The Noise I Shed

From Teachers:

"If you're smart, you'll get a doctorate and put your career first. Marriages don't last, so make getting tenure a priority and keep working when you have kids. Put stability and money first, not family, friends, or life balance."