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Mark Murphy
Mark Murphy

Mark Murphy


Rhinebeck, NY USA

"Live life in a curious state of mind."

Career Roadmap

Mark's work combines: Education, Non-Profit Organizations, and Helping People

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Day In The Life

Founder & CEO

I lead a nonprofit organization that helps young people pursue their passions and interests on their own terms.

My Day to Day

On any given day, there are four different things that I'm doing. First, I help to chart the path of the organization. This means focusing on questions of our strategy and how it best meets our mission and vision. Second, I support the youth and adult staff at GripTape to ensure they have the resources to lead great efforts. Third, I work to directly raise and earn the funding that our organization needs to exist. Fourth, I meet with external audiences and organizations to represent GripTape.

Skills & Education

Advice for getting started

After teaching for a few years, I realized that I wanted to become a school principal. However, I told my friend that I wasn't ready yet and would wait three to five years before trying. He told me that if I was waiting until I was ready, I'd never be ready. You have to be willing to stretch yourself, take that next step, and learn with it. Accept the fact that you're going to be relatively ignorant at the start. Everyone is ignorant when taking their next step. Just put in the work and learn.

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree


    State University of New York at Cortland

  • Graduate Degree

    Educational Leadership

    College of Notre Dame of Maryland

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life has been direct

  • 1.

    My father worked as a builder, so I spent a lot of time helping him build houses and learning about good work ethic.

  • 2.

    I knew early on that I wanted to work with kids, but I wasn’t quite sure in what capacity.

  • 3.

    The day after I graduated high school, I started working at a job where I supported kids in a residential treatment center.

  • 4.

    In college, I started diving deeper into learning about systemic inequities, which solidified my desire to want to help those who are struggling yet given the least amount of opportunities.

  • 5.

    I earned my bachelor’s degree in education from the State University of New York at Cortland and started my career as a teacher.

  • 6.

    After teaching for a few years, I moved up to become a school principal.

  • 7.

    I later moved into the nonprofit space, supporting other school principals, and then got the opportunity to serve as the Secretary of Education for Delaware.

  • 8.

    After having hundreds of conversations with teenagers, I saw that they have so many passions and interests but little opportunity to pursue them, so I started GripTape to help them do that!

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Myself:

    I want to be a school principal but I'm not ready yet. I don't know enough. I need to wait a few years before I'm ready.

  • How I responded:

    After teaching for a few years, I realized that I wanted to become a school principal. However, I told my friend that I wasn't ready yet and would wait three to five years before trying. He told me that if I was waiting until I was ready, I'd never be ready. You have to be willing to stretch yourself, take that next step, and learn with it. Accept the fact that you're going to be relatively ignorant at the start. Everyone is ignorant when taking their next step. Just put in the work and learn.