Jimmy Chin
Victor, ID USA
"Never think that you won't be questioning your decisions. Because you will....[Just] commit, and then figure it out."
Career Roadmap
Jimmy's work combines: Action Sports, Art, and Being Physically Active
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Here's the path I took:
High School
Bachelor's Degree
Carleton College
Life & Career Milestones
My path in life has been direct
Grew up thinking he had three career options: doctor, lawyer, or businessman.
His parents pushed him into getting a degree, studying violin, swimming competitively, but skiing and climbing were passions he found for himself.
Lived out of the back of his car, traveling, climbing, and working odd jobs for seven years.
One day, his photographer friend let him play around with his camera; the one photo he took ended up selling for $500.
He realized he could easily make a living and maintain his outdoor lifestyle by pursuing photography.
His parents, who'd been hesitant to accept his unorthodox career, eventually became the biggest fans of his photography.
Says that only by really throwing himself into his passion-climbing-did the doors to his career start to open up.
Believes his liberal arts degree in Asian Studies has actually been put to good use on his expeditions to remote places like Nepal and Pakistan.