Jessica Jiji

Jessica Jiji


United Nations

New York, NY USA

There's nothing wrong with looking for what makes you feel good.


By Roadtrip Nation

Jessica Jiji


My road in life has been direct.
Fell into her job "backwards."
Was working at the U.N. for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and fell in love with the place.
Started out doing grunt work, wasn't getting credit, bylines for her work.
Her first contract was only for five days, says she had to "really prove herself in those five days."
Now works as a newswriter covering breaking international developments
Writes fiction and nonfiction books and screenplays on the side.
Says there are a variety of ways to change the world and they all have value.
Believes that finding happiness is "the major goal."
Keep following my journey



I'm an author and newswriter covering breaking international events for the United Nations.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Helping People

Interviewed By

New York City

New York City

In New York, the Roadtrip Nation team interviews Kate White, Editor-in-Chief of Cosmopolitan, and Wendy Williams of the Wendy Williams Experience. At the end of the trip, Abel, Kisura and Cairo go home with advice to make changes in their lives to get where they want, no matter how terrifying it may seem.