Beau Boice

Beau Boice

Market Impact Consultant

Strada Education Network

Indianapolis, IN USA

Surrounding yourself with people who believe in you and encourage your dreams is the best way out.


My road in life took a while to figure out.
During my undergraduate degree our school sponsored a trip for me and 10 others to travel to India to evaluate a non-profit school. This started my interested in evaluation.
After my first year of teaching high school Spanish I realized I did not want to teach conjugations for the next 40 years which led me back to the drawing board.
Moved on to Vanderbilt University for my graduate degree to focus on international education non-profit management.
Took a job with then USA Funds (now Strada) to manage a grant portfolio in state of Hawaii. We put the international opportunities on hold to return to Hawaii.
Accepted a position to work for Strada's CEO Bill Hansen and learn more of the in's and out's of running a large non-profit public charity.
Took on a new challenge to support our newly formed Market Impact team and to help better understand Strada's impact.
Keep following my journey


High School
Cherokee High School
Secondary Education and Teaching
Brigham Young University, Hawaii
International Education Policy and Management
Vanderbilt University


Market Impact Consultant

I work across the network to help us better understand our impact and key learnings.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Non-Profit Organizations
Learning / Being Challenged

Day to Day

My day consists primarily of managing relationships and projects with some problem solving sprinkled in. In order for our organization to understand our impact we have to stand up evaluations primarily. I generally am searching for the best opportunities for evaluation and helping build evaluation plans across various groups including, grantees, investment companies, research partners and third party consultants and seeing those evaluations through.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for college students

Tell the world that is what you want to do and look for opportunities to meet people in the field. The more of a network of social capital you can acquire, the better chance you have to get in the door.

Recommended Education

My career is related to what I studied. I'd recommend the path I took:

International Education Policy and Management


The Noise I Shed

From Myself:

"Internally for one reason or another I just felt like I wasn't meant to do "big things." "